Does mommy plan for a pregnancy? If the answer is yes, then there are lot of preparation that needs to be done. Mommy needs to prepare the physical condition and health, so that mommy’s body is ready to conceive and mommy and the fetus are free from life-threatening diseases later.
But, mommy must not forget the intimate moment with the husband. Mommy could say this is a very important time, because this is also about the success or failure of the process of fertilization that would lead to pregnancy. There are a few things that mommy needs to know.
Eliminating Stress
During the process of sexual intercourse, Mommy should not only focus on the goal itself. When Mommy is having sexual intercourse with the husband, then it can be regarded as mommy’s personal time with the husband. So, mommy should enjoy it.
Many couples who have followed many kinds of pregnancy preparation tips are failed to get their primary purpose because they are too focusing their minds resulting in more stress due to fear of failure and pregnancy does not occur when they have sex.
This will affect the hormones in our body that can prevent successful fertilization. Therefore, forget mommy's purpose for a moment and enjoy every second while having sex with the husband. However, in order to have the sense of pleasure when having intercourse with husband is paid off with the success of mommy’s pregnancy plan, mommy should choose the right time to have intercourse.
The right time is when mommy is having the fertile period. Mommy could calculate it from the menstrual cycle. The last day of mommy menstrual period plus 11 to 15 days can be regarded as the most fertile period. Mommy can have intercourse with the husband at that time so that the chance to have pregnancy becomes larger.
Sex Position
Sex position for pregnancy is crucial to determine conception. And certainly, the exact position will also give mommy and mommy’s husband pleasure during intercourse. There are many kinds of sex positions that mommy can do to get pregnant quickly. However, in terms of enjoyment, then the missionary position and doggy style are the most suitable.
This method is seen as a way to facilitate the sperm to swim to the egg and do fertilization. And also, this method can provide mommy and husband intimate experience not to be forgotten. Thus, by eliminating the stress (can do with recreation or body treatment) and choose the right sex positions, coupled with a healthier lifestyle, then mommy’s pregnancy plan will be successful.