Many newlyweds want to have a baby. The most effective way is to carefully plan the course of pregnancy. Most couples who just got married would be doing more regular intercourse. But it turns out that it is not enough.
Married couples can learn to calculate the fertile period so that sex will be more effective with regard to have a baby program. Because if not us, who else is willing and able to recognize how our body systems work?
Calculating Menstrual Cycle
According to some sex consultants, if Mommy wants to calculate the fertile period, it must begin to record and mark the first day of the menstrual cycle that happens each month.
One menstrual cycle can be calculated from the first day of Mommy gets menstruation in the month and continue until Mommy gets a period in the next month. Although the length is quite varied, but it can be inferred that the average menstrual cycle of a woman is between 20-40 days.
Well, there are a few other times we have to consider, for example, the ovulation is the time when the ovum is released. Ovulation typically occurs at least 14 days before the next mommy’s menstruation, so approximately at mid-cycle.
This is important as one of the tips to accelerate conventional pregnancy, which can be cultivated, is the sexual intercourse during the ovulation period.
The most effective time may indeed be only a few days, less than one week, for Mommy to increase the intensity of the sexual intercourse that can lead to pregnancy because the sperm itself can only live in the body for approximately 2 days. So do not waste the opportunity.
Physical Signs
If Mommy has difficulties in calculating the fertile period through the menstrual cycle (probably because it is irregular), then there are some other ways that can be done.
One way that is often done by people is to see physical signs. The first way is to measure Mommy’s body temperature with a thermometer every morning after waking up.
Mommy’s base temperature is relatively the same each day. Record the temperature. And when Mommy ovulates, usually the base temperature will decrease slightly.
The second way you can try is to check whether there is any part of the vagina dilute mucus in large amount. Mucus is typically the kind that cannot be separated with a finger so can be fairly sticky. And those are two physical signs of Mommy’s ovulation period.